Updated 2023 May 7
This documentation has been updated to include our new CSV format, which is intended to allow for easier parsing of the data (e.g., using a spreadsheet) and to support 9-digit catalog numbers. The legacy text format is not able to support catalog numbers above 99999, Unicode characters, increased precision in numerical fields, or launch/decay dates including time, due to the fixed-column format.
CSV Data Format (RFC 4180):
The file begins with a list of fields used in the data and is then followed by the individual entries. Entries only exist for cataloged objects, that is, there are no blank entries for missing catalog numbers.
Field | Description |
OBJECT_NAME | Satellite Name(s)
OBJECT_ID | International Designator (YYYY-NNNAAA)
NORAD_CAT_ID | NORAD Catalog Number |
OBJECT_TYPE | Object type
OPS_STATUS_CODE | Operational Status Code |
OWNER | Ownership |
LAUNCH_DATE | Launch Date [year-month-day] (ISO 8601) |
LAUNCH_SITE | Launch Site |
DECAY_DATE | Decay Date, if applicable [year-month-day] (ISO 8601) |
PERIOD | Orbital period [minutes]; null if no data available |
INCLINATION | Inclination [degrees]; null if no data available |
APOGEE | Apogee Altitude [kilometers]; null if no data available |
PERIGEE | Perigee Altitude [kilometers]; null if no data available |
RCS | Radar Cross Section [meters2]; null if no data available |
DATA_STATUS_CODE | Data status code; blank otherwise
ORBIT_CENTER | Orbit center
ORBIT_TYPE | Orbit type
All SATCAT queries take the form:
where {QUERY} is:
with optional flags (if not included, default values are used):
Allowed formats are:
The FORMAT specification is optional, but defaults to JSON.
Legacy Text Data Format:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Column 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111 000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999000000000011111111112222222222333 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ yyyy-nnnaaa nnnnn M*O aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa yyyy-mm-dd aaaaa yyyy-mm-dd nnnnn.n nnn.n nnnnnn nnnnnn nnn.nnnn aaa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Columns | Description |
001-011 | International Designator
014-018 | NORAD Catalog Number |
020-020 | Multiple Name Flag ("M" if multiple names exist; alternate names found in satcat-annex.txt) |
021-021 | Payload Flag ("*" if payload; blank otherwise) |
022-022 | Operational Status Code |
024-047 | Satellite Name(s)
050-054 | Source or Ownership |
057-066 | Launch Date [year-month-day] |
069-073 | Launch Site |
076-085 | Decay Date, if applicable [year-month-day] |
088-094 | Orbital period [minutes]; truncated at 99999.9 |
097-101 | Inclination [degrees] |
104-109 | Apogee Altitude [kilometers]; truncated at 999999 |
112-117 | Perigee Altitude [kilometers]; truncated at 999999 |
120-127 | Radar Cross Section [meters2]; N/A if no data available |
130-132 | Orbital Status Code